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1 (800) 247-4302

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Schanzenstrasse 39 D4-D5
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+49 221 9223210

General Dynamics at IDEX

Grabbing attention in Abu Dhabi

General Dynamics Ordinance and Tactical Systems’ wanted to solidify their presense in the global defense market and promote their wide array of products at The International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi.

We created a striking design that showcased several General Dynamics products as well as introduced their new Flyer vehicle to the Middle Eastern and Asian markets.

The space was designed to capture the attention of a broad audience, from enlisted soldiers to program managers, by strategically placing products in prominent areas without affecting sightlines or booth access.

A distinct display area was developed to feature the Flyer vehicle. We designed supporting video and product displays to showcase the vehicle in a semi-realistic “warfare” setting.

A handgun and rifle display was also built to unveil the new partnership with Smith & Wesson. The weapons were unavailable to measure pre-show, so final adjustments were made right on the show floor.

Meeting spaces were incorporated into the design to allow General Dynamics representatives to conduct business with some of the world’s most powerful defense organizations.