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Coca-Cola at NACS

Making the brand pop

Coca-Cola wanted their brand to stand out to convenience store retailers through a personalized customer engagement at their biggest show, NACS.

So we built a virtual Digital Cold Vault beverage cooler display stocked with Coke products to appeal to different buyer groups—in a life-size, real-time format.

Controlled by a Coke representative through an interactive kiosk, the Digital Cold Vault displayed multiple product combinations on 60 video microtiles that merged to create a digital cooler wall.

Product information and videos were also programmed into the experience, allowing visitors to learn more about Coke’s newest product innovations.

Interacting with convenience retailers at NACS is important since they literally “shop” for products at the event.

Over 120 retailers engaged with the Digital Cold Vault during the show, many staying for over 15 minutes to discuss shopper strategy with Coke’s show reps.